Category: Blog
Spider Ground Control to Arachnid One
Hi everyone, I just returned from a week of aquatic sampling at Point Pelee National Park and have much to share. The peninsula that is Point Pelee is the most southern part of Canada and it is revered as one of the best spots in North America to observe the spring migration of songbirds. The…
De-bugging, but not bugging-out!
Welcome back readers, last time I shared a side of my passion for nature and biodiversity — the out-side — but what about the inside?
A little ticked off
Hey folks! This past week I had been doing some standardized sampling again in the rare Charitable Research Reserve with some of my co-workers. It was a great week for weather so it made the field work even more enjoyable! I have been going to rare quite a bit recently and every now and then…
Paddling Point Pelee
Hello again readers! Last week, the BIObus headed as far south as you can go in mainland Canada, to Point Pelee National Park. We went out there to do some aquatic sampling at a few spots in the area: Point Pelee, Ojibway Natural Prairie Reserve, and Rondeau Provincial Park.
rare Arthropods
Hello everyone, this past week at BIO, among many other things going on, we finished our standardized sampling at rare Charitable Research Reserve. This was our second sampling event since we had previously sampled the same sites at rare in the late spring.
Delving into Darkwoods
For the past few weeks I’ve been fortunate enough to start exploring the insect biodiversity of Canada’s largest privately owned nature conservancy: Darkwoods. Owned by the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), Darkwoods is a 136,000-acre tract of land located near Salmo, British Columbia in the heart of the Selkirk mountain range.
Keeping Your Balance In A Stratified Ecosystem
Hello faithful readers! Last week I was on the BIObus in several lovely Canadian parks where our team focused on aquatic collections. We got to tramp around in various rivers, bogs, fens, swamps and shorelines in our hip waders, scooping up bugs with our D-nets. This trip, along with many others that will take place…
One Frog, Two Frog, Green Frog, Blue Frog
This past weekend, I headed down to Rondeau Bay to have a relaxing few days at the cottage. Usually this consists of boating, fishing, campfires, and enjoying the backyard scenery. Unfortunately, Saturday brought windy, rainy weather, so I couldn’t enjoy many of these activities. Even though Mother Nature was not being cooperative with my weekend…
Of Bugs and Men
This past week wasn’t a mundane week by any means. Setting out at 9am on a Monday morning, Danielle, Dan, Josh, Nate and I set out for Cambridge, Ontario to get samples of the insects inhabiting the Waterloo region. Our destination: the rare Charitable Research Reserve.
RARE Opportunities for BIO
Hello BIObus Blog Buddies! I’m here to tell you this week about a new and fascinating reserve where the Biodiversity Institute has started collecting specimens; rare Charitable Research Reserve. The reserve is over 900 acres of beautiful and very diverse landscape, which is actually conveniently close to my house.