Ontario Bioblitz – Don River Watershed

Hey everyone,

If you’ve ever wondered how scientists that study animals and plants do their work, then getting involved in a BioBlitz is a great way to discover this!

This June 13-14 is the third installment of the Ontario BioBlitz. We are hosting it at the Ontario Science Centre as well as many other satellite sites across the Don River Watershed. A BioBlitz is a concentrated effort by scientists, field naturalists and volunteers to identify and record as many living species in a particular area, usually a park or watershed, over a set time period, such as 24 hours. You can get involved as a “citizen scientist” by signing up for one of our “Guided BioBlitz” sessions.

There are many options to choose from. Learn about birds, amphibians, plants, trees, insects, aquatic invertebrates or fish. This is a great event that everyone can participate in. If you have kids that love to explore nature and learn about plants and animals, they would really enjoy this experience. I have really enjoyed teaching others about insects and other invertebrates. You can find me and the BIObus at the Baker’s Woods site in the Vaughn area.

Don’t forget to sign up this weekend! Registration is closed on June 1st.

Looking forward to seeing you there,


Sporting my Ontario Bioblitz t-shirt at Lake Louise, Alberta last summer
Sporting my Ontario BioBlitz t-shirt at Lake Louise, Alberta last summer


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