Ontario Provincial Parks Malaise Program Results!

Back in 2014 we deployed Malaise Traps in 51 Ontario Provincial Parks with the help of the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) in a large experiment to assess arthropod diversity. We completed our analysis last year after sorting ~250,000 specimens and putting another ~750,000 through bulk analysis. That was a job indeed!

You may be wondering how we get through such large quantities of samples. During the summer months from May to August we have a large team of summer staff comprising of undergraduate students. They do the tedious tasks of pinning, sorting, arraying, labeling and tissue sampling all those specimens. We couldn’t do it without them, they are an important part of completing our research goals!

Zach spent the summer of 2014 collecting all the malaise bottles. Thank you Zach!

DNA barcoding has greatly advanced species detection. Using an algorithm, we can assign similar sequences to the same Barcode Index Number (BIN), which is a proxy for species. Our results detected 23,834 BINs, with over half being flies (Diptera, followed by bees, ants and wasps (Hymenoptera), moths and butterflies (Lepidoptera), and beetles (Coleoptera).

One interesting result I am always amazed by is the number of singleton BINs. This type of BIN is defined by the presence of a single specimen representing a single species. We detected 5,492 singletons! These discoveries may be overlooked if it wasn’t for the method we follow. All specimens from each sample were sequenced, no specimen was left behind in the sample jar.

If you would like to learn more about the results, have a read here. Individual reports for each Ontario Provincial Park are also available.