Tag: collecting: night sheet
Catching Moths In The Night
Hey Folks! Long time no blog. We have been super busy here at BIO in the past few weeks. Between field work, the rare BioBlitz, and the Barcoding Conference, it has been pretty crazy here lately! There will be lots of blogs coming your way from our staff about all these fun topics. I myself…
The Nights Watch in Glacier National Park
Hi I’m Martin Zlatkin, you may remember me from such blogs as: Presenting in Smithers, Bearing down on Kluane, and Exposing Kinaskan. These blogs I’ve written for your enjoyment are quite nearest and dearest to me. I feel honored that you have chosen to read my blog for the fourth time and if this happens…
From No Trees to Old Growth Forests; A Goodbye
Hello again! Today was our first sunny day in a while, so we were a little more energetic as we serviced our sites, and headed towards a place called Grice Bay for some sampling. We ended up doing some aquatic collecting in the bay, close to where a fresh water river poured into the salt…